Click on the links provided or contact Bette Wolf, our Parish Life Director if you would like to help with any of the following:
St. Mary of the Lake Ushers and Greeters One comment heard over and over again about St. Mary's is that we are such a welcoming community! One mainstay is our amazing Greeters and Ushers! We are in great need of greeters for all three of our masses, and ushers at our 4:30 PM and 11:00 AM masses. Please reach out to Parish Life to sign up to help and get on the schedule!
Altar Servers Our Altar Servers play an important role in their ministry! Servers carry the cross, the processional candles, hold the book for the priest celebrant when he is not at the altar, carry the incense and censer, present the bread, wine, and water to the priest during the preparation of the gifts or assist him when he receives the gifts from the people, wash the hands of the priest, assist the priest celebrant and deacon as necessary. Please contact Bette Wolf or Father Zipp to find out how to enroll your student in the ministry!
Liturgical Ministers Click here to view ways one can volunteer with the liturgy.
Music Ministers Click here to view the many opportunities for involvement in our music ministry or contact Don Felling, Director of Music..
Our Family of Faith - Family Formation Are YOU the missing piece to our Faith Formation Puzzle? If you have a love of our Catholic faith, a love of children and a desire to share that faith, we are looking for YOU! There are still openings for this amazing volunteer opportunity to teach and share our faith. We will be exploring an exciting and inclusive curriculum! If you are interested, give us a call. Training provided. Please email Bette in Parish Life for more information or by clicking here: Our Family of Faith
Funeral Luncheon This committee arranges the luncheons for funerals held at St. Mary's. Volunteers setup, serve and cleanup after the luncheons. If you have time to help with setup, serving and cleanup, this ministry provides much comfort for family members and friends. To sign up to help in the kitchen click here.
Kitchen The parish kitchen is used heavily and is in constant need of cleaning and straightening. We maintain a list of people who are willing to launder the kitchen towels as well as those who are willing to clean the kitchen. Contact Bette in the Parish Life Office if you are interested in helping with this ministry. [email protected]
Maintenance Parishioners are invited to help with both indoor and outdoor projects at an Annual Spring Work Day, usually held on a Saturday in May. Regular volunteers are welcome throughout the year to help with ongoing projects: dusting the church, maintaining flower gardens in the summer, fall garden cleanup, washing windows, trimming bushes, etc. The parish maintains a list of people who are willing to be called to help with other occasional projects.
Parish Office The parish office occasionally needs computer assistance or website assistance. Help answer phones and greet walk-in traffic when staff is in monthly staff meeting.
Annual Blood Drive We will hold at least two joint Blood Drives at St. Mary’s with Oak Knoll Lutheran Church this year. Please watch for the sign up at the weekend liturgies prior to the date. Watch for announcement coming in April 2025.